Photo submitted by LJ Baylis
Inspiring Lives
Community Connections at Findley Lake created this display in the Findley Lake Community Center to celebrate the lives of those who have, by their generosity, their actions, and their kindness to others, soared like the eagle in the eyes of their loved ones.
The Eagle Symbol
The eagle with extended wings has always, from the majestic character of the bird, been deemed an emblem of power. The eagle symbolizes strength, courage, independence and immortality. It is considered to be the majesty of the air and the messenger to the highest Spirit. Eagles were brought back from the brink of extinction and are often seen flying over Findley Lake.
Feathers are a symbol of respect and honor. You can recognize someone special to you through a donation to Community Connections at Findley Lake, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to give residents of Findley Lake and surrounding areas the means and confidence to live their lives to the fullest in their own communities.
When a donation is made for a Feather, we request you provide us with a special thought or description that best describes the person. This will be kept with the collection in the Findley Lake & Mina Historical Society.
To honor a loved one in your life,
call Community Connections today at (716) 769-2473.
“Enclosed is a donation to CC@FL in honor of my mom. What you are doing in Findley Lake is a service she certainly could have used where she lived.”